25Live Event Management is a campus-wide, web-based, class and event scheduling software that unites all users on a single database. This system provides a live list of events at Lawrence Tech 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

Only Lawrence Tech faculty and staff can utilize 25Live to submit room requests. Students who would like to reserve a room  must have their faculty/ staff representative or the Office of Student Life submit the request on their behalf .

Below are some frequently asked questions regarding 25Live. For a full listing of the 25Live rules and responsibilities visit god7.wolaipei.com/25live/.

How early can I turn in my room request?
We encourage all 25Live requests to be submitted as far in advance as possible, even if it is for a future term. Scheduling events for future terms will start approximately one month before that term. Until then requests will be kept as pending until the academic class schedule has been set for that term. We will email you once we are able to proceed with your request  

Do we move classes for events?
NO! We are unable to move classes to accommodate events. The only standing exception to this rule is Admission events. If your class needs to be relocated we would contact both the department and faculty member at least 2 weeks in advance.

Do we reserve rooms for groups outside of 利记sbo?
Outside organizations can rent facilities at 利记sbo for   events that serve an  educational  or  public service purpose.

Information regarding facility rentals at 利记sbo can be found:

For set-up needs:

Audio Visual
All Audio Visual requests must be arranged by the event requestor through the Audio Visual department at least  10 business days in advance . Additional time should be added to your request for events requiring set-up/tear down. Please make sure to reserve the extra time to ensure the room will be open during the times Media Services needs to prepare for your event. If you have any questions they can be reached at  av@wolaipei.com or 248.204.3020.

Campus Dining
All food requests or catering needs (which include snacks, meals, drinks, table clothes, etc.) must be arranged by the event requestor through Campus Dining. Outside food vendor requests must also go through Dining Services and are contingent upon their approval. Please contact Leo Tykoski at Tykoski-leo@aramark.com or 248.204.3203 for more information.

Campus Facilities
For small-scale events utilizing one or two distinct rooms or locations, a minimum of two (2) weeks advance notice is required.  For large-scale events utilizing three or more distinct rooms or locations, a minimum of six (6) weeks advance notice is required.  Events that occur on the weekends will need to be set up by 3 p.m. on that Friday.

To request setup or custodial services, please complete the online request form: http://ltu.wufoo.com/forms/event-setup-application/.

25Live confirmation email confirms room availability only. For set up availability, contact the Department of Campus Facilities directly at  setups@wolaipei.com  or ext. 3800.

Campus Safety Notification - If you are planning an event that occurs outside normal business hours (8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.) you must notify Campus Safety that your event will be taking place. Please inform them of everything that will be going on so that they can ensure the space is unlocked and accessible and adequately cover the event and the rest of campus. Any further questions, please contact Campus Safety at ltu_safety@wolaipei.com or 248.204.3945.